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Thuốc Allergena Trees, Weeds and Grasses – Zone 6 3; 3; 3; 3; 3;...

Thuốc Allergena Trees, Weeds and Grasses - Zone 6 Dạng lỏng 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL NDC code 62713-806. Hoạt chất Baptisia Tinctoria Root; Echinacea Angustifolia; Goldenseal; Myrrh; Rorippa Nasturtium-Aquaticum; Phytolacca Americana Root; Fenugreek Seed; Cynodon Dactylon Pollen; Poa Annua Pollen; Bromus Inermis Pollen; Phalaris Arundinacea Pollen; Zea Mays Pollen; Sorghum Halepense Pollen; Koeleria Macrantha Pollen; Festuca Pratensis Pollen; Arrhenatherum Elatius Pollen; Avena Sativa Pollen; Dactylis Glomerata Pollen; Elymus Repens Pollen; Agrostis Gigantea Pollen; Lolium Multiflorum Pollen; Lolium Perenne Pollen; Sorghum Bicolor Pollen; Sorghum X Drummondii Pollen; Phleum Pratense Pollen; Triticum Aestivum Pollen; Pascopyrum Smithii Pollen; Acacia Pollen; Alnus Incana Subsp. Rugosa Pollen; Fraxinus Velutina Pollen; Fraxinus Pennsylvanica Pollen; Fraxinus Americana Pollen; Populus Tremuloides Pollen; Acer Negundo Pollen; Populus Deltoides Subsp. Monilifera Pollen; Cupressus Arizonica Pollen; Ulmus Crassifolia Pollen; Ulmus Pumila Pollen; Baccharis Halimifolia Pollen; Juniperus Occidentalis Pollen; Ligustrum Vulgare Pollen; Prosopis Juliflora Pollen; Olea Europaea Pollen; Morus Rubra Pollen; Morus Alba Pollen; Quercus Alba Pollen; Pinus Nigra Pollen; Pinus Taeda Pollen; Pinus Sylvestris Pollen; Pinus Strobus Pollen; Populus Nigra Pollen; Populus Alba Pollen; Liquidambar Styraciflua Pollen; Ailanthus Altissima Pollen; Salix Nigra Pollen; Atriplex Polycarpa Pollen; Amphiachyris Dracunculoides Pollen; Amaranthus Palmeri Pollen; Xanthium Strumarium Pollen; Bassia Scoparia Pollen; Solidago Canadensis Pollen; Chenopodium Album Pollen; Cyclachaena Xanthifolia Pollen; Chenopodium Ambrosioides Pollen; Artemisia Vulgaris Pollen; Urtica Dioica Pollen; Amaranthus Retroflexus Pollen; Amaranthus Spinosus Pollen; Plantago Lanceolata Pollen; Ambrosia Trifida Pollen; Ambrosia Artemisiifolia Pollen; Ambrosia Psilostachya Pollen; Artemisia Tridentata Pollen; Artemisia Ludoviciana Pollen; Artemisia Dracunculus Pollen; Artemisia Frigida Pollen; Atriplex Wrightii Pollen; Atriplex Confertifolia Pollen; Amaranthus Tuberculatus Pollen; Rumex Acetosella Pollen; Rumex Crispus Pollen

Thuốc Allergena 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30;...

Thuốc Allergena Dạng lỏng 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL NDC code 62713-809. Hoạt chất Ambrosia Psilostachya Pollen; Salsola Tragus Pollen; Cynodon Dactylon Pollen; Bromus Inermis Pollen; Bromus Secalinus Pollen; Sorghum Halepense Pollen; Poa Pratensis Pollen; Festuca Pratensis Pollen; Dactylis Glomerata Pollen; Lolium Perenne Pollen; Agrostis Gigantea Pollen; Phleum Pratense Pollen; Echinacea, Unspecified; Baptisia Tinctoria Root; Goldenseal; Myrrh; Nasturtium Officinale; Phytolacca Americana Root; Fenugreek Leaf; Acacia Pollen; Alnus Incana Subsp. Rugosa Pollen; Fraxinus Velutina Pollen; Populus Deltoides Subsp. Monilifera Pollen; Ulmus Crassifolia Pollen; Ulmus Pumila Pollen; Eucalyptus Globulus Pollen; Juniperus Scopulorum Pollen; Ligustrum Vulgare Pollen; Prosopis Juliflora Pollen; Morus Alba Pollen; Quercus Agrifolia Pollen; Olea Europaea Pollen; Phoenix Dactylifera Pollen; Pinus Strobus Pollen; Liquidambar Styraciflua Pollen; Platanus Occidentalis Pollen; Ailanthus Altissima Pollen; Juglans Nigra Pollen; Salix Nigra Pollen; Atriplex Canescens Pollen; Amaranthus Palmeri Pollen; Rumex Crispus Pollen; Chenopodium Album Pollen; Amaranthus Retroflexus Pollen; Plantago Lanceolata Pollen; Ambrosia Acanthicarpa Pollen

Thuốc Olive Pollen 20000[PNU]/mL

Thuốc Olive Pollen Dung dịch 20000 [PNU]/mL NDC code 22840-4472. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen

Thuốc Olive Pollen 0.1g/mL

Thuốc Olive Pollen Dung dịch 0.1 g/mL NDC code 22840-3414. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen

Thuốc Olive Pollen 40000[PNU]/mL

Thuốc Olive Pollen Dung dịch 40000 [PNU]/mL NDC code 22840-3415. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen

Thuốc Olive Pollen 0.05g/mL

Thuốc Olive Pollen Dung dịch 0.05 g/mL NDC code 22840-3416. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen

Thuốc Olive Pollen 0.001g/mL

Thuốc Olive Pollen Dung dịch 0.001 g/mL NDC code 22840-3417. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen


Thuốc CENTER-AL - OLEA EUROPAEA POLLEN Injection, Suspension 1000 [PNU]/mL NDC code 0268-0129. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen


Thuốc CENTER-AL - OLEA EUROPAEA POLLEN Injection, Suspension 10 [PNU]/mL NDC code 0268-0130. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen


Thuốc CENTER-AL - OLEA EUROPAEA POLLEN Injection, Suspension 100 [PNU]/mL NDC code 0268-0131. Hoạt chất Olea Europaea Pollen