Trang chủ 2020
Danh sách
Thuốc Pain and Fatigue Relief 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 3; 30; 30; 30;...
Thuốc Pain and Fatigue Relief Viên nén 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 3; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1; [hp_C]/1 NDC code 43689-0015. Hoạt chất Aconitum Napellus; Arsenic Trioxide; Atropa Belladonna; Coniine; Gelsemium Sempervirens Root; Hypericum Perforatum; Potassium Dichromate; Lactic Acid, Dl-; Phosphoric Acid; Toxicodendron Pubescens Leaf; Uric Acid
Thuốc Earache Relief 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12[hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1;...
Thuốc Earache Relief Viên nén 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12; 12 [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1; [hp_X]/1 NDC code 43689-0020. Hoạt chất Atropa Belladonna; Oyster Shell Calcium Carbonate, Crude; Matricaria Recutita; Calcium Sulfide; Potassium Dichromate; Lycopodium Clavatum Spore; Plantago Major; Pulsatilla Vulgaris
Thuốc BELLA HP 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30[hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL;...
Thuốc BELLA HP Dạng lỏng 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_C]/mL NDC code 43406-0637. Hoạt chất Atropa Belladonna; Conium Maculatum Flowering Top; Solanum Dulcamara Top; Calcium Sulfide; Potassium Dichromate; Mercurius Solubilis; Anemone Pulsatilla; Silicon Dioxide; Matricaria Recutita
Thuốc ACNE HP 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30[hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL;...
Thuốc ACNE HP Dạng lỏng 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL NDC code 43406-0001. Hoạt chất Carbo Animalis; Activated Charcoal; Potassium Dichromate; Sodium Chloride; Pulsatilla Vulgaris Whole; Sepia Officinalis Juice; Silicon Dioxide; Sulfur; Zinc
Thuốc Dr. Nenninger Cold and Sinus Solution 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30[hp_C]/60mL;...
Thuốc Dr. Nenninger Cold and Sinus Solution Dạng lỏng 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30; 30 [hp_C]/60mL; [hp_C]/60mL; [hp_C]/60mL; [hp_C]/60mL; [hp_C]/60mL; [hp_C]/60mL; [hp_C]/60mL NDC code 42731-062. Hoạt chất Onion; Calcium Sulfide; Goldenseal; Potassium Dichromate; Potassium Iodide; Sodium Chloride; Anemone Pulsatilla
Thuốc Kali Bichromicum 30c 30[hp_C]/1
Thuốc Kali Bichromicum 30c Pellet 30 [hp_C]/1 NDC code 76472-1149. Hoạt chất Potassium Dichromate
Thuốc Kali bichromicum 30[hp_C]/mL
Thuốc Kali bichromicum Dạng lỏng 30 [hp_C]/mL NDC code 71919-378. Hoạt chất Potassium Dichromate
Thuốc Cold Armor 6; 6; 6; 6; 8; 12; 12; 12[hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL;...
Thuốc Cold Armor Dạng lỏng 6; 6; 6; 6; 8; 12; 12; 12 [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL NDC code 71753-1056. Hoạt chất Onion; Goldenseal; Strychnos Nux-Vomica Seed; Anemone Pratensis; Ferrosoferric Phosphate; Atropa Belladonna; Gelsemium Sempervirens Root; Potassium Dichromate
Thuốc Dr. Talbots Mucus Cold Relief 6; 6; 6; 6; 6; 30; 6; 12;...
Thuốc Dr. Talbots Mucus Cold Relief Dạng lỏng 6; 6; 6; 6; 6; 30; 6; 12; 12; 6; 6 [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL; [hp_X]/118mL NDC code 70797-303. Hoạt chất Sambucus Nigra Flowering Top; Calcium Sulfate Anhydrous; Potassium Chloride; Bryonia Alba Whole; Marrubium Vulgare; Phosphorus; Rumex Crispus Root; Calcium Sulfide; Potassium Dichromate; Anemone Pulsatilla; Ferrosoferric Phosphate
Thuốc Cold Bee Gone 6; 6; 6[hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL
Thuốc Cold Bee Gone Dạng lỏng 6; 6; 6 [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL; [hp_X]/mL NDC code 70449-1000. Hoạt chất Potassium Dichromate; Schoenocaulon Officinale Seed; Luffa Operculata Fruit